Terms of Service

Terms of Service on Placement of Job Advertisements


Article 1. General Provisions

Any applicant for placement of advertisements (hereinafter called “Advertiser”) shall comply with all of these Terms of Service on Placement of Job Advertisements (hereinafter called the “Terms”).

The Terms shall apply to any relationships between Advertiser and Aplauso Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Company”) with respect to the information service on placement of job advertisements called “Hostel Jobs World” (hereinafter called the “Service”) operated and provided by Company on the Internet.

Company shall present the Terms to Advertiser from time to time on the screen of its website to provide the Service on the Internet (hereinafter called the “Screen”).


Article 2. Right to Refuse the Provision of the Service

If Company considers, at its own discretion, that any advertisement applied for by Advertiser is inappropriate for its placement after screening the details of such advertisement as well as the details of the business operator intending to deliver such advertisement and the details of its website, Company may refuse to place such advertisement on its website. Company is not obligated to disclose the reasons for such refusal.

For example, with regard to any advertisement or website including any of the following content, Advertiser may not use any services provided by Company including the Service. Even if it does not include such content, Company may, at its own discretion, refuse to provide the Service.

  1. Content which may infringe on the copyrights or portrait rights of other persons;
  2. Content whose expression is significantly abusive or defamatory;
  3. Content which may damage the honor of other persons;
  4. Content which is anti-social;
  5. Content which supports or promotes any illegal activities;
  6. Content which relates to multi-level marketing or pyramid scheme;
  7. Content whose subject relates to politics or religions; or
  8. Content which Company considers to be inappropriate.


Article 3. Service Fees for Placement of Advertisements

Advertiser agrees to the service fees for placement of advertisements designated by Company (hereinafter called the “Service Fees”) after understanding the provisions of the preceding article.

The Service Fees shall be as specified (in the “How to use the Service” separately posted) by Company on its website.


Article 4. Position of Placement of Advertisements

The position of placement of advertisements shall be designated by Company, in principle.


Article 5. Details of the Service

The details of the Service shall be as follows:

Advertiser makes an application for the Service by entering the information required for job offering in the form designated in advance by Company on the Screen. Company places the details of such application received from Advertiser on its website.

The Service does not introduce or commend any specific or unspecified job applicant to Advertiser. Company does not get involved in any negotiations between the job applicant and Advertiser or does not make any coordination with them.


Article 6. Payment of Service Fees

Advertiser shall pay the Service Fees to Company by the methods designated by Company. Any and all charges relating to such payment shall be borne by Advertiser.


Article 7. Change of Advertiser

In the case of any change in Advertiser’s status such as change of its operator or management or its closure or dissolution, Advertiser shall promptly notify Company of such change.


Article 8. Confidentiality

Company shall not use any business or technical information disclosed by Advertiser for the benefit of Company or third parties for any purpose other than the delivery of advertisements. Furthermore, Company shall not disclose or leak such information to third parties. After placing advertisements, Company shall delete or destroy their data after storing them for a certain period of time.


Article 9. Termination

If Company finds that any advertisement has the content breaching any provisions of the Article 2 of the Terms, Company shall immediately suspend the delivery of such advertisement and claim against Advertiser compensation for damages incurred by Company due to such breach. In such case, Company has the right to terminate, at any time, for any reason whatsoever, the service agreement on placement of advertisements (hereinafter called the “Service Agreement”) which shall be executed automatically between Advertiser and Company at the time when Advertiser starts using the Service under the Terms.

Company may suspend or cease the delivery of any advertisement of Advertiser or refuse to provide the Service to Advertiser without prior notice to Advertiser,


Article 10. Disclaimer

If Company fails to perform all or any part of its obligations under the Service Agreement for any reason not attributable to Company, including but not limited to, power outage, blackout, failure of communication lines, force majeure such as natural disasters, telecommunications carriers’ failure to perform their obligations, failure or problems of the Internet infrastructure or systems such as servers or urgent maintenance, Company shall not be liable for such failure to perform its obligations. Company shall be released from such obligations to the extent that such failure is caused by any of the above events not attributable to Company.

If any link from an advertisement is invalid, or if any website linked to such advertisement has any failure or problem during the period of delivery of such advertisement, Company may suspend such delivery. In such case, Company shall not be liable for its failure to place such advertisement.

If Advertiser causes any damage to any user of the Service or any third party by using the Service, Company shall not be liable for such damage.

Company does not warrant that any information obtained by the users of the Service from Advertiser or other information in the Service is complete, accurate, reliable or useful.

Company does not warrant that any equipment, device or software used by the users of the Service functions without problems.


Article 11. Consultation; Dispute Resolution; Governing Law

Any matter not stipulated in the Terms or any doubt about the interpretation of the Terms shall be solved or determined in good faith between Advertiser and Company through mutual consultation.

Any problem which both parties may not solve through mutual consultation shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Kobe District Court of Japan for the first trial.

The Terms and the Service Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.


Article 12. Revision of the Terms

Company may, at its own discretion, change or revise any provision of the Terms without obtaining the approval of Advertiser. The Terms after such change or revision shall apply to any relationships between Company and Advertiser,


Date of establishment: July 31, 2022
